RascalFlats Red My Mind Steevy
DOB: Jan 2,2022
Sire: RascalFlats Duck Commander (Decoy)
Dam: RascalFlats Limited Edition (Tessa)
Registration # KA 4151563
OFA Hips: "Good" LR-272918G24F-C-VPI
OFA Elbows: "Normal" LR-EL-120013F24-C-VPI
EIC & CNM: clear
22 inches tall 65lbs
Stevie is a another beautiful red head, she is the most quiet, gentle, lovable, and cuddliest girl ever, she is a great combination of Decoy and Tessa! She loves tp play and run around the yard chasing birds or anything that moves, her mother is one of the gopher patrollers we have and she is following in her footsteps. She loves to try and snuggle every chance she gets, and usually lays at my feet no matter where I am, wether it is in the office working, watvhing TV, or cooking supper, there she is, never too far away from me!